New Netflix series tells the tale of John Demjanjuk, the convicted Nazi camp guard who lived in Nort WKYC Channel 3 1:01 5 years ago 3 317 Далее Скачать
Israeli film director Alon Schwarz explains why he made a film on the Tantura massacre in Palestine Middle East Eye 0:50 2 years ago 79 142 Далее Скачать
Andrew Horansky discuses the latest developments in the John Demjanjuk case WKYC Channel 3 3:25 4 years ago 3 052 Далее Скачать
Nazi John Demjanjuk Found Guilty, Too Old to Be Punished? David Pakman Show 4:55 13 years ago 2 766 Далее Скачать
Former Auschwitz Guard Guilty of 300,000 Counts of Accessory to Murder The Wall Street Journal 2:15 9 years ago 4 679 607 Далее Скачать
Nazi War Criminal Dies as a Free Man: John Demjanjuk dead at 91 in Germany - Reaction from Israel JewishNewsOne 4:40 12 years ago 9 053 Далее Скачать
"Talking Memory": Between Eichmann and Demjanjuk: Two Holocaust Trials in Israel 24.1 Ghetto Fighters' House מוזיאון בית לוחמי הגטאות 1:17:51 3 years ago 524 Далее Скачать
Nazi Hunting: From John Demjanjuk to Richard Spencer Museum of Jewish Heritage 1:01:53 3 years ago 5 054 Далее Скачать
Right Wrong Man: John Demjanjuk and the Last Great War Crime Trial American Jewish Historical Society 1:00:45 8 years ago 2 064 Далее Скачать
Historians: Sobibor death camp photos may feature Northeast Ohio's John Demjanjuk WKYC Channel 3 2:13 4 years ago 21 535 Далее Скачать